So many things have been happening these last few months and I have been very slack with this blog. However, I'm back and I plan on being much more faithful to posting. I decided that this is a great time to come back, because one of my favorite things is back! "Diddle", our elf on the shelf has returned! In the past, Diddle just did the regular old gig of moving from place to place in our house each day. However, this year Diddle wrote a note informing my kids that Santa Claus had been working him too hard and that he was looking forward to having a little fun at our house. He arrived on day one on the front porch of our house on Jack's spiderman motorcycle.

Day two, he left a note saying that he was afraid that he was going to miss the snow in the North Pole, but was so glad that he found a whole bag of it in our cabinet. We found him on the counter making snow angels in powdered sugar!

Day three, Diddle wrote a note saying that he witnessed us decorating the upstairs of our house and he wanted to help, so he "decorated" the stairs by toilet papering our staircase like garland.

Day four, Diddle had a North Pole Party to celebrate his best friend Rudolph's TV movie. Diddle's note said that he saw us all watching the Rudolph movie so he wanted to invite all of his North Pole friends (all of the kids Christmas stuffed animals) to have a party to celebrate Rudolph being on TV. They seemed to have gotten into the candy bowl and feasted on Hershey Bars and York Peppermint Patties (especially Frosty).

I am so enjoying the faces of my children each morning when they wake up to find Diddle! I will keep posting Diddle's antics . . . they are sure to get more and more crazy!