So tonight feels a bit like Christmas Eve. There is that little nervous butterfly feeling in my stomach as I try to go to sleep. Everywhere I went today in Greenville there were orange clad individuals roaming the stores, orange and white flags flying on cars, billboards and signs on businesses filled with good luck messages. There was a buzz in the air. Tomorrow, I have no doubt that the feeling will just intensify. Tomorrow a champion will be crowned. College football will be finished for the year.
Now, I wish that I could write this and say that I'm not worried, that I feel confident that my Clemson Tigers will crush Alabama. Unfortunately, that would be a lie. I'm worried; but I was worried before every game this season. I paced the floors before and during the game if I was watching at home. If I was at Death Valley, I was pinching the arm of those beside me and watching with one eye open. But each and every time, we prevailed. Each and every time we walked away a winner! Fourteen times; we won. Now, as tomorrow draws near, I pray that we walk away with the trophy. I pray that we get to wear the championship caps and spray the champagne and dance. We love to dance! But tomorrow will not define our season. We are already winners. This season has been special. I am so proud of the accomplishments and the leadership of this team. There has never been a more exciting time to be a tiger! Do I want another National Championship trophy to head back to Clemson, SC? Absolutely! Will all be lost if we don't win? Not a chance! Forever and Always....Go Tigers!!
Sunday, January 10, 2016
Thursday, December 13, 2012
Diddle's Wish List
Last night we went to see Santa and take him Mary Chandler and Jackson's Christmas list. Diddle saw the photo when we got home and decided to make his own wish list and sit in "our" Santa's lap! His list was quite interesting and the kids cracked up when they read it!

Wednesday, December 12, 2012
On Dasher and Dancer and Zhu Zhu Pet and Monster Truck??
The note left by Diddle this morning stated that last night at the North Pole Santa was doing a trial run hitching up the reindeer. Diddle asked if he could ride in the sleigh, but Santa said there was no time. Diddle decided that he would come back to our house and make his own sleigh and his own reindeer. He settled on a red barbie car for his sleigh and zhu zhu pets and monster trucks for reindeer! The kids giggled so loud when they saw their "elf Santa" waiting on the coffee table!

Hello my fellow elves!!
So apparently our elf is friends with my friend Amy Faulkenberry's elf and they shared ideas while in the North Pole one night! (aka . . . this idea is stolen.) Diddle left the kids a note and told them that while he was in the North Pole the night before that he realized that he was a little homesick and was missing his elf brothers and sisters. He decided to make elf hats and put them on MC and Jack's portrait and appoint them honorary elves! He said that would help him to not miss home so much! The kids absolutely LOVED seeing this when they walked down the stairs that morning!

Diddle says Hi
So on Sunday morning, Diddle showed up at MiMi and G-Daddy's house because the kids spent the night with them on Saturday night. They found him in the kitchen baking cookies! Mimi is sending the photos, so they will come a little later. On Monday morning, Diddle decided to dig into the candy jar and indulge in some M&M's. Jackson had left a few out for him a few nights earlier to see if he would eat them and when they were gone the next day, Jack got super excited and decided that M&M's must be Diddle's favorite candy. So, on Monday, Diddle was propped up by the candy jar covered in M&M's and he had spelled out the word "HI" with the candy.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012
Diddle and Elf Food
So on Friday morning the kids woke up and found Diddle in the kitchen where he had made himself a little snack of elf food! He wrote to the kids that he had been really busy pranking them and he had forgotten how hungry he was! Then, Diddle thanked them for buying special elf food for him. He had found in the cabinet some mini pop-tart bites, Brownie Bites cereal, and Honey Nut Cheerio "elf doughnuts" . . . ELF FOOD!! He decided to prop himself up in an elf chair (aka- a Santa Claus wine bottle holder) and chow down!

Monday, December 10, 2012
Diddle finds a "picture machine"
I am so far behind on blogging Diddle's nightly romps, so here is the catch up! On Thursday night, Diddle found a new "picture machine" in our kitchen and he decided to make some photos of himself. He left a note telling the kids that they should try it sometime! I am waiting to walk into the kitchen and catch Jack or Chan with their face in the copier!

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