I really can't believe that this school year is almost over! My sweet 2nd grade daughter has flown through this year with flying colors! She is such a smart and dedicated student. She LOVES to learn! She even does random reports (unassigned) because she enjoys doing research. (Insert confused face here???) Anyway, I can only hope that will continue through the rest of her school years. My baby boy is about to complete kindergarten. I must admit that at the beginning of the year I thought that we were going to have trouble with him. He DID NOT want to go to school. The whole week before classes began, he begged me to "home school" him. LOL! (I can promise you that was not happening!) Anyway, once he started school, he LOVED IT!! He loved his teacher and his "mates" (his way of referring to his classmates) and he did wonderfully! I can honestly say that both of them had a terrific year with much less drama than I had anticipated. Whew! (I know, I know . . . middle school awaits one day and the drama will be a plenty)!
So today, Mary Chandler had her end of the year party at school and she wanted me to make some cupcakes for the class. I was sort of stumped. Do you do something with a school theme? No, that wouldn't work. I had to think of something to celebrate the end of school and the beginning of summer. What fits that description better than a bright Mr. Sunshine?? I decided on these super cute Mr. Summer Sun cupcakes and then created a cupcake topper that stated "Welcome, Summer!" Now that just screams, "good-bye school" and "hello sun and fun"! Welcome, Summer! The Keels family has been missing you! :-)